Happy birthday Holly! You are seven years smarter than I am…it took me until age 57 to jump off the “highly paid/interesting work but there is more to life than going to the office” cliff. You will soar!

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I think what the Founders missed was that start was new and revolutionary to them would become not only commonplace to us, but assumed as the natural order of things. What required re-orientation and education in their generation, we've all but ignored in ours. Water won't keep boiling if you take the heat away, and I think that's what we've done. We've turned off (or at least down) the flame of civics education and small-scale, democratic self-government, and we've allowed ourselves to slide back into feudal, strongman thinking.

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The video is fabulous. Loved the Fork You from the little girl in the classroom.

When I turned 50, I finally felt mature.

Maybe one day, you and Ben can open for one of the Bulwark live shows.

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The toilet paper on his shoe did the trick ...Thanks! :) :) :)

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Thank you Holly, you are right - Laughter is the best relief from abnormal conditions -especially in “mixed company”!

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An earlier Happy Birthday to you Holly! 50 was a great year for me. It will be for you as well. Also Happy leaving the job day! It's a glorious day to leave a job that no long fits who you have become. The video was a hoot and gave me an ear worm for that song for the rest of the day. Ben is a wise man. Humor is a balm for much of life. Have a happy week and may it be filled plenty of humor.

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Thank you for sharing! A lot is happening, but leave it to Ben and you to make a humorous video. Love to you both.

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Congratulations on starting a new career and joining the 50 and over club. I turned 50 last year and it was a non event. I stopped getting carded for about 10 years and 40 felt more significant. I admire your bravery for visiting the WH after the election. I don’t know if I will be able to laugh but will stay engaged enough.

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Love it!

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Laughter everyday at them

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I'm glad you updated us and things are going well. Congratulations on leaving the job and embarking with courage to the ocean of change! And early Happy Birthday!

It's hard, Holly, it's so hard. But damnit, we are smart and funny. Good looking too. :) How can we not prevail? We just have to stick together. As always, let me know if you need any editing help.

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I despair of all the word salads served about Biden's pardon of his son - of a man whose crimes were acknowledged, even atoned for (so taxes paid) and they harmed no one. Yet the commentariat (including folks I admire at the Bulwark) has turned a single decision limited to one person into one of the worst acts in US presidential history.

Given Biden's history one would expect those who disagree with Biden to say to themselves - well I guess he had his reasons. It is not like taking the country to war (in Iraq) or encouraging a mob to attack the capitol.

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