Jun 28Liked by Holly Berkley Fletcher

You have absolutely and beautifully nailed it. I couldn't agree more! Humanity has a horrible track record of throwing blessings away, but it is still heartbreaking to watch it happen and feeling like the voice of one crying in the wilderness.

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Jun 29Liked by Holly Berkley Fletcher

I couldn't agree more.

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Jun 28Liked by Holly Berkley Fletcher

Once again, you have managed to stir emotional response with such clear and simple writing.

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I am moved. You’re a truth-teller. Thank you.

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Jun 29Liked by Holly Berkley Fletcher

“We are a spoiled, rotten, decadent, lazy society. No one is stealing our democracy from us. We’re dragging it to the curb for the garbage truck to pick up all by ourselves. We guess we’ll try a newer model just for f-ing kicks. If it’s no good, we’ll just go back to the old one. No big deal.”

This is very much the Tom Nichols thesis of what ails us, boredom and wealth (@radiofreeTom). Plus 50 years of right-wing media telling people we’re being had/losing our way/being oppressed, etc.

Thank you, Holly. I’m glad you got to see some of the festivities.

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Jun 28Liked by Holly Berkley Fletcher

I think this is one of your best posts ever. Thanks for writing it.

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Jun 28Liked by Holly Berkley Fletcher

We ain’t done yet. You’re right. The answers aren’t at Wal-Mart. We still have work to do

Thank you

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Jun 29Liked by Holly Berkley Fletcher

By far the best thing I’ve read all week. So heartfelt. Just forwarded to my friends and family.

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Jun 28Liked by Holly Berkley Fletcher

[mic drop]

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Jun 28Liked by Holly Berkley Fletcher

Holly, you made me cry! This is absolutely true and absolutely heart-breaking for the U.S and Kenya. Thank you for sharing your wise words and I'm ordering the book right now.

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Jun 29Liked by Holly Berkley Fletcher

Thank you for writing these hard words. They are so needed at this hard, confusing time.

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Jun 29Liked by Holly Berkley Fletcher

This is a gut punch. I am surrounded by people who are declaring that "XXX" is ruining the state of/everything in our country. They want to go back to the good old days (??!!) Your piece nails it. Paints a clear picture. Yet so many can't see it. I guess we keep on trying ... And thank you.

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Jun 29Liked by Holly Berkley Fletcher

Nailed it. It's incredibly sad for both countries, and countless others. How you did that without completely blowing your stack once again shows your thoughtful and eloquent writing. Thank you Holly. And nice "seeing" you Tuesday. Hope to see you this week.

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Jun 29Liked by Holly Berkley Fletcher

It has been a tough week, but to be honest, that feels like the norm these days. I am hoping that we are a pendulum and will swing back to more unity and appreciation. Our country has done the many times.

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Jun 28Liked by Holly Berkley Fletcher

Good piece, Holly.

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Jun 28Liked by Holly Berkley Fletcher

Africa is a heartbreaker. 💔

These Estados Unidos are drifting toward tribalism.

Hopefully, we can keep the genie in the bottle...

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20 hrs agoLiked by Holly Berkley Fletcher

I don't understand why deep, thoughtful comparative analyses like yours are not more present in the media landscape.

This is so well-written I need to reread and noodle before I can respond usefully.

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Jul 1Liked by Holly Berkley Fletcher

Your best piece yet. Truly moving.

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