
If I’ve saved one life from the somerset biker gang, i have fulfilled my purpose here. lol thanks so much!

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Your parodies and stories always make me smile. And that may not seem like much but I think you’re awesome. Maybe you will go viral someday but even if you don’t, you’ll at least have the satisfaction of knowing that when my husband suggested stopping at a motel near where flight 93 went down on our way to pick up our eldest from college, I yelled “Hell no! We could all get killed by a biker gang!!!”

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My first husband and I were Episcopal missionaries in Lithuania from 2004-2007 (by invitation by a Lithuanian college). We had no TV, and couldn't access English-speaking stuff over the limited internet. We had the DVDs for "Finding Nemo" and "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang" which my kids, husband, and I watched a zillion times. Then heaven! One of our colleagues had a brother who sent him bootlegged copies of the hit show "Lost" every month! Four episodes could fit on one DVD, and they made the rounds through the (adult) ex-pat community at the University like wildfire. We were all hooked. We'd have watch parties when a new DVD arrived. It was like Christmas.

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Apr 30, 2023Liked by Holly Berkley Fletcher

I appreciate your post but didn't watch your video yet. My wife is still sleeping in - it's 6:20 and Sunday. Having a different perspective on our American culture is always refreshing and worthy of some parody in my book. I did one of my several short term mission trips to Ethiopia and found many reasons to laugh as I settled back into our "normal life" in Upstate NY.

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The video was great and a good laugh! People having fun being their most silly self and then sharing it - how cool is that! Seriously ( amusing that I would choose that word after watching your video) but if people could merely be themselves and shine however they best do that, the world would be a MUCH better place. People who have lots of self confidence don't have to prove themselves - Yea!

Thanks for sharing

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